Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My wife's grandfather passed away yesterday and I feel as though I should write something about it. Honestly, I don't really feel sad about him dying and I feel a little guilty because of that. I find that I feel more sad for my wife and her family and the pain that they're going through right now. I know that it was his time to go. He was in his 80's and had been sick for awhile. My wife and several members of her family were there when he died yesterday. She tells me that she was glad that she was there and that it was a really touching experience. Although, the whole time that she was telling me about it, all I could think about was what her grandmother must be going through. My wife's grandparents had been married for more than 55 years, and now her grandmother has to face the fact that she now has to spend her remaining years without her husband. I hope and pray that this doesn't happen to my wife. I hope that when the time comes, the Lord will take her before me so that she doesn't have to be alone. My faith tells me that my wife will see her grandfather again someday and this comes as a huge comfort to us all. It makes me wonder how people,who don't now about God's plan for us, cope with death. It must be so terrifying to them to think that this life is all we get and that after someone passes away, they're gone forever. I thank my Heavenly Father each and everyday that I now the truth about this life and for the comfort that that knowledge brings.

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