Saturday, May 31, 2008


I hate habits. I think the reason for this is the fact that I have so many bad habits and so few good ones. At least, that's the way it seems to me. I also can't ever seem to develop the habits that I want to. Exercising for example. I'm really good at sticking to a workout schedule for about a week, but beyond that just seems impossible. It drives me crazy. The same goes with eating habits. Why is it that humans are creatures of habit? What's the reason? There must be some purpose behind it. And it's not just me. Nearly everyone I know is fighting the same battle against habits that I am, and no body seems to be making any head way. I think that the time has come for us to sit down and have a meeting with all the habits and choose the ones that we will keep and tell the rest of them to take a hike. However, since it seems rather unlikely that anything like this will ever happen, I'm going to need to come up with a new plan. I figure that right now I have twice as many bad habits as good ones. I know that I'm never going to be perfect in this life, so for now I think that I settle with having as many good habits as bad ones and once I get to that point I'll work on having twice as many good habits ans bad ones. Finally, if I'm not dead yet, I'll focus on getting rid of bad habits all together. So, I'm off to begin my Battle of the Habits right now by exercising. Wish me luck. Forward, march!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Ahh, the beginning. I like beginnings. I find that I experience much less stress when I need to make a first impression than when I need to live up to expectations. That being said, I start this blog knowing full well that every subsequent post from here on out will have expectations that it must meet. Oh well. I suppose that some things in life can't be helped. My purpose in writing this blog is to put down my thoughts and feelings for those who may find them interesting to read. I do not, however, intend to give many particulars about myself or my family. For those of you that know me, there is no need to relay to you information that information and for those who don't know me, specific information about me will not be necessary. I will tell you how ever, that I am male, married, a student, and work with computers. I will certainly try to be consistant in writing in writing, but I know myself too well to make any promises. Well, I feel that that is enough for now and that an impression has been made. Now, I'm feeling stressed.