Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So this is my weird way of announcing that my wife is pregnant. Now, I know that everybody that reads this blog probably knows this already. You also probably know that we're having a girl. For the record, I was 50% sure that we were having a girl.

Knowing the gender has really made this whole I'm-going-to-be-a-daddy-thing start to sink in. I'm glad that we don't have to refer to the baby as "it" anymore, but the word "daughter" is still having a little trouble rolling off my tongue. Daughter. My daughter. Holy crap, I'm going to have a daughter! Does that sound weird to anyone else? I mean seriously. I am going to have a daughter!!! I do have a confession to make however. Deep down in my inside parts I was kinda hoping for a girl. Don't ask me why because I couldn't really tell you. I know that it wasn't for any of the reasons that people gave me about why girls are better. In fact, I can think of several reasons why having a girl is not a good thing and about 3,000,000 of those reasons are boys. Now, I know that's a long time down the road and my wife does keep reminding me that she is giving birth to a baby girl not a teenage girl. Still, I can't help but worry. I guess it's my fatherly instincts kicking in. Yeah, that comment made me laugh too. But, I digress.

I guess my reason for wanting a little girl is that I'm hoping that she turns out to be a daddy's girl. Not the snotty kind that makes her dad buy her whatever she wants, but the kind who thinks that her dad is some sort of super hero. The kind of girl who goes to her dad when something's wrong because, no matter how bad it is, he can somehow fix it. The kind of girl who knows, that no matter what anyone else says about her, her daddy will tell her how beautiful she is and mean it every time. The kind of girl who's proud of her father and does all that she can to make him proud of her. The kind of girl who knows that her daddy's a dork, but loves him inspite of it. Listen to me! She's not even born yet and already she's got me wrapped around her finger. Man, I am in trouble. Now, I know that a lot of this is going to fall on me and heavens knows that I'm going to do my best, but I really do hope that she's a daddy's girl.